Tuesday, November 25, 2008


For the past 3 years or so, I have been, in a sense, homeless. I mean, I've had a roof over my head, but I haven't felt at home in my apartment. I've been spending the day rearranging furniture, vaccuming, and doing stuff that I usually don't do. Maybe its out of a desire to make my "house" a "home." Maybe I just decided that I need to find home wherever I am, and not just wait for life to start.

Maybe I just want to feel like I felt when my grandmother was alive, and how every room, every inch of her house, orange shag carpet and all, felt like home. I can argue that it was because she was there, but it wasn't just that...she's with me all the time, and I still have my dad...

And then I realized that home isn't because of anyone around you, the people in your home don't make it a home...its within you to make your house, your apartment, your RV, the place you are okay being yourself in.

Well, Kitty likes it. He's exploring and seeing what the hell I did...Dad will like it too. And I have the most beautiful spot for the Christmas tree too. :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Playing for Change

So there's this project called Playing for Change...

These guys went all over the world and recorded people playing the same song, singing the same song...inspired by the first guy you see in the video.

They showed this video at the Starbucks Leadership Conference...my manager met these guys...this is so amazing...and it was so meaningful to watch this video...

I love my job...and some days its hard, it has been lately especially, but then I see things like this...and I realize how amazing the world is, and that my company effects people EVERYWHERE. And I couldn't have asked to work anywhere better.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Can't sleep....

I can't really sleep, even though I need to.

Mel's grandfather died last night. He's been sick for a while now...Melanie seems okay, but I don't know, we'll see what Wednesday and Thursday bring. Later in his life, they didn't always agree, but I know he loved her, and I know all he wanted was for her to do what made her happy.

Strange. Tomorrow will be an interesting day. I really don't think it matters too much who wins the election, though many of you will agree with me. Most of the time, their agendas are thrown out the window, at least most of their agenda. There will be some changes, but both of these candidates have the potential to screw it up, or be the greatest president since FDR.

Whoever wins tomorrow is going to have more on their plate than meets the eye. I have always said, there is no way to know what the office will bring you. Either man will face challenge, and will have to bend so as not to break.

We are a country of evolution, our founding fathers made it that way. The Constitution is beautiful....weird of me to say, but its my favorite political document. Seriously.

Okay, now I'm tired.